About Harta Instruments
Services Available
Harta Instruments is a multi-disciplined,
full service engineering company, located in Gaithersburg, Maryland. We
provide full engineering services from customer requirements all the way
to finished products, to local, national and international customers. Our
customers include the NASA [Goddard Space Flight Center], the U.S. Army Night
Vision and Electro Optics labs in Fort Belvoir, VA,. Aydin, Hughes, Alcatel,
and other telecommunication and biomedical companies. Harta has successfully
developed a compact, powerful, accurate, and very affordable microtiterplate
luminometer, which was granted a U.S. Patent in 1997. This technology has
been licenced to other companies for commercialization, and it has passed
UL, CSA and CE certification. In 2002, Harta was awarded a U.S. patent
for a reference microplate used in the calibrating and testing of microplate
luminometers. In developing these instruments, we have developed additional
capabilities in the following:
Photon detection using photomultiplier
tubes (PMT)
Stepping motor controller
X-Y linear motion system
Microprocessor controlled liquid
metering system capable of dispensing liquid in 0.5 ul increments
Embedded software, Windows application
Electromechanical design
Packaging design